World Twitter ranking of the most recommended tweeps based on the #followfriday recommendations. Check who recommends you and who you have recommended.
Some days ago we added the reviews stars next to each profile in the FollowFriday ranking, with the aim of enriching the profiles of our preferred tweeps. The idea of these comments is that the recommendations #FF don’t get lost in time like tears in the rain.
UK Big Brother contestant John James Parton (@uk_johnjames_oz) is one of the most popular users in the FollowFriday ranking in terms of reviews. His fans have done a lot of very nice comments about the Australian guy. Have a look at some of them...
English filmmaker has the world record for the longest time tweeting without sleep
This past weekend the English filmmaker Ad Lane spent 60 hours tweeting live in front of a camera via streaming. The action was part of a campaign that Lane performed with the intention of raising funds to shoot his first film, "Invasion of the not quite dead," thanks to the fan donations.
The filmmaker's followers were quick to recognize his effort and recommended his account @indywoodFILMS using the hashtag #followfriday, positioning it in the number 6 of the global ranking (with 8877 points). The profile has won the 1st place in the UK ranking!
According to Ad Lane’s website, he has the world record for the longest time tweeting without sleep: 86 hours!
Since the beginning of his campaign on Twitter, in 2009, the filmmaker has raised over £40,000, “showing that fans (from 26 different countries) can bring as independent horror movie to life”. Awesome!
With the money, Lane could shoot the first part of "Invasion of the not quite dead" in Bulgaria (watch the teaser below). All FollowFriday team wish to Ad Lane good luck in the second half of the filming!
A non-profit organization launches a contest in YouTube and gets the number one of the global ranking
We don’t know if it is thanks to a video contest via Youtube or if the reason is another, but the thing is that the U.S. organization "Kids are Heroes" is the number one of the ranking globally. @kidsareheroes has also achieved the ranking leadership in this country, with 23,078 points.
"The YouTube Challenge" consists in a contest in which the kids have to answer the question: How in my lifetime will I change the world?
“Kids are Heroes” is a non-profit that encourages and inspires children to become leaders through volunteerism and community involvement. On its website you can read:
"Our children are drilling water wells in Africa, helping orphans in India and building houses in Haiti. They recycle waste and care for the cleanliness of their neighborhoods, working with local animal shelters and improving the lives of their neighbors”. AWESOME!
Yesterday we informed you that the reviews are now visible next to each profile and in all listings. Today we want to share with you who are the most 10 admired tweeters in the ranking, the ones that have more reviews published until now, thanks to their loyal fans!
We also want you to know who are the most active users in the ranking, those who have done more reviews so far. We encourage you to do the same in your favorite tweeters' profiles.
From today when you visit you will realize that something is different in the rankings. The reviews are now visible next to each profile and in all listings.
The idea of these comments is that the recommendations #FF don’t get lost in time like tears in the rain. The ranking is updated every week, but the reviews will live on, forever! is planning for the future to give weight to the reviews in the global ranking.
Between all of us we can enrich the profiles of our preferred tweeps so that future visitors to these profiles can learn more about what they tweet and how they do it.
Have you ever done a review? It is very simple, you just have to visit a profile on and answer the question “Why should I follow @username?”. This functionality should not be used to offend, insult or make destructive comments.
Other novelty is that, apart from the World and the Celebrities rankings, you will quickly see the listings in your country and your language.
From today you will also see that we have added other languages in the rankings by language. Apart from English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Italian and German, you will find listings in Portuguese, Russian and Turkish.
The actor, the number 2 on the Australian ranking, was called anti-Semitic
"Circumcision is barbaric and stupid. Who are you to correct nature?", tweeted last Thursday the Oscar winner. "Is it real that God requires a donation of foreskin? Babies are perfect". After several of his followers tweeted messages of support, the actor reached out to his Jewish friends to encourage them to reject their long tradition of ceremonial circumcision. "I love my Jewish friends, I love the apples and the honey and the funny little hats, but stop cutting your babies", he wrote.
Early Friday morning, after deleting the tweet, Crowe apologized for offending his followers, telling them: "I have a deep and abiding love for all people of all nationalities. I'm very sorry that I have said things on here that have caused distress. My personal beliefs aside I realize that some will interpret this debate as me mocking the rituals and traditions of others. I am very sorry". Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) has been the number 2 in the Australian ranking.
Teenager writes a "bucket list" of things she wants to do before she dies of cancer
Alice Pyne, 15, has been fighting Hodgkin's lymphoma - cancer of the white blood cells - for four years. One week ago she created a blog, where she wrote “I've created a bucket list because there are so many things I still want to do in my life... some are possible, some will remain a dream. My blog is to document this precious time with my family and friends, doing the things I want to do. You only have one life... live it!”.
Top is her aim to persuade everyone in the UK to sign up to a donor programme. It seems that it is succeeding. British Prime Minister David Cameron has taken up the challenge of the teenager. Mr Cameron's pledge came in the Commons after Barrow Labour MP John Woodcock highlighted the youngster's ambitions: "We do want to get as many people as possible on to the bone marrow register and I'm sure the Leader of the Opposition and I can discuss this."
Este ranking monitoriza tweets de todo o mundo que têm os hashtags: #ff, #followfriday, #cuate, #sigueelviernes, #vivaviernes. Nossa equipe contabiliza os tweets enviados entre às 12 horas GTM da quinta-feira até às 12 horas GTM do sábado. A tradição #followfriday é de fazer recomendações às sextas-feiras, porém o período é ampliado de quinta a sábado para que todos os países sejam monitorizados.
Objetivos das regras: manter a transparência do ranking, assegurando que o mesmo não seja manipulado e que seja um reflexo fiel das recomendações realmente valiosas.
Estas são as regras que garantem a qualidade do ranking followfriday:
Cada recomendação #followfriday terá uma pontuação base que pode variar de 0 a 150 pontos. Esta pontuação será calculada mediante um algoritmo que analisa semanticamente cada tweet, para medir o nível de qualidade da recomendação.
Cada recomendação #followfriday terá sua pontuação base dividida pelo número de usuários recomendados em um mesmo tweet. Se você receber uma recomendação que só faz menção a você e que esteja devidamente justificada, você obterá 150 pontos. Se em um mesmo tweet são mencionados dois usuários, cada um receberá 75 pontos, e assim sucessivamente.
As contas protegidas não serão classificadas. Seus perfis poderão ser vistos, porém não aparecerão no ranking.
Se um mesmo usuário é recomendado vários vezes em uma mesma semana, somente a primeira recomendação será válida.
Os usuários que recomendam mais de 50 contas em uma mesma semana não aparecerão nas listas. Será possível consultar o seu perfil (porém sem informação relativa ao ranking), cujo usuário aparecerá sinalizado como não apto para o nosso ranking.
As auto-recomendações não serão contadas.
Os retwees não serão contados.
Os tweets de agradecimentos não serão contados.
Se detectamos que várias contas colaboram entre si, fazendo publicidade “artificial”, as mesmas serão penalizadas automaticamente.
As listas por países e por idiomas são geradas segundo um algoritmo de geo-localização desenvolvido pela nossa equipe. O cálculo é feito baseado nos campos “país”, “cidade” e “língua”, completados por cada usuário, por isso o algoritmo é suscetível de erro. Se você quer se assegurar de que aparece nos rankings dos países e dos idiomas corretos, a melhor opção é fazer o registro manualmente.
Todas as regras são aplicadas automaticamente. conta uma equipe que vela pela naturalidade do ranking.
Bullfighting, bird hunting and other “sports” are pointing out on Twitter
The UK's leading charity campaign to end animal abuse in the name of “sport”, League Against Cruel Sports (@leagueacs), has been the number 6 in the global ranking and the second most FollowFriday's accounts in the United Kingdom.
The League was established in 1924 and works to expose and to end the cruelty inflicted on animals for “sport”, like bullfighting, bird hunting for fun etc. “We successfully use lawful investigations, campaigning and lobbying to make a difference in the UK andaround the world”, according to the information in its website.
This institution has gained a lot of support from celebrities and public figures, including @Johnny_Marr, @AleshaOfficial and @TheRealKirstyG. Have a look at this video to know more about the League Against Cruel Sports.
Joe Jonas releases first solo single
The former Jonas Brothers Joe Jonas kicked off his solo career last Friday with the premiere of his highly anticipated first single, "See no More". @joejonas has been the number 9 in the celebrities ranking.
Jonas co-wrote the song with Chris Brown.”See no More” will be available for download on iTunes on June 13th while his solo album will arrive on September 6th. The lyrics is about a man's attempts to end a dysfunctional relationship. "I don't want to wait for you / I don't want to wake up thinking, hoping you'll get it right this time / Cause you know that you're so cold / I don't want to see no more...”.
The Mexican actress and singer Anahí makes her debut as a protagonist in a new soap opera
The Mexican actress and singer Anahí - known for her role in "Rebelde" (soap opera of great success inside and outside Latin America) - is now devoted to new projects. The singer just recorded the main theme for another soap opera in her country ("Dos Hogares"), which opens later this month and in which she will be the protagonist.
The candidature of Cordoba (Spain) for the European Capital of Culture: trend in and Twitter @Cordoba_2016, the Twitter profile of the candidature of Cordoba (Spain) for the European Capital of Culture in 2016, has conquered the 18th on the worldwide ranking and the first in Spain. Last Friday the committee for selection of the candidates was in the city, prompting a citizen movement in the streets and on Twitter! Besides getting a good position in the ranking, the hashtag #cdb2016 was trend topic on Twitter last Friday.
Last week we made some updates of the ranking rules, to maintain the purity of the ranking and ensure that it is free of manipulation and is a true reflection of those valuable recommendations made.
However, there is another set of criteria that our quality team manually applied which are aimed at eliminating from the ranking those users who tweet in order to receive more recommendations than they would normally deserve.
Below we explain some methods that can make you become an invalid user for the ranking:
One of the rules is about the number of recommendations that a user can make. Each user can make up to 50 recommendations per week. However, there are users who send tweets outside the time stipulated for recommendations to be considered (between Thursday 12:00 GMT and Saturday 12:00 GMT). This practice leads to behavior that is not considered genuine for the ranking.
According to the ranking rules, if our team detects there are a lot of accounts that are working together to promote themselves artificially, they will be banned automatically. Respect to this point, we would like to add that not only users who collaborate with each other can be cancelled, but also those who create multiple accounts to promote one specific profile.
The ranking monitors tweets that include one of these hashtags: #ff, #followfriday, #cuate, #sigueelviernes, #vivaviernes and#shoutout. However, we have identified some people who use different hashtags to make recommendations which are not counted within the maximum of 50. Many users return a recommendation made with a different hashtag by using a monitored hashtag, detracting value from this recommendation.
Include any monitored hashtag in a tweet in which there is no recommendation of anybody also violates the spirit of the ranking which is to be as spontaneous as possible.
Moving from one country to another where there is less "competition" is also considered a practice which is penalised. To avoid confusion, make sure you appear in the correct rankings.
Finally, asking for recommendations via DM or filling your timeline with requests are also considered unfriendly practices in line with the objectives.
These are not the only possible methods of breaking the rules and for this reason any fraudulent attempt to manipulate the ranking will be penalized.
If you think you have been unjustly banned, you can contact us by completing this form and explaining your action. Our team will review each case individually and reinstate those accounts that we consider OK. Now, with our new FFValidator tool, you can check if a #followfriday recommendation is valid for the FollowFriday Ranking and how much it is worth.